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Image de la ville de Shanghai

Discover all of our trainings

China is the country with the fastest growth in the world. Its commercial relations with France are also constantly improving. It is therefore essential for French professional actors who are in partnership with China, or would like to be, to know thecharacteristics of this country in order to succeed in their projects.

Our training courses can be paid for by your CPF account or by your OPCO.
Satisfaction rate with our training: 95% in 2020
Work effectively with the Chinese.
1-2 days
Work effectively with the Japanese.
1 day
Successful Shopping in China - Import.
1 day
Sell in China - Export.
1 day
Effectively manage a Chinese team.
1 day

Travailler efficacement avec les japonais.

1 jour

Work effectively with Koreans.
1 day
Understand China and its specificities.
1 day
Investing in China - Current Context.
1 day
Management of contracts with the Chinese.
1 day
Welcome Chinese partners.
1 day
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Our training courses are accessible to people with disabilities.

Do not hesitate to contact us, we will analyze with you the best training formula adapted to your situation.

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